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Tips About Drifting

Drifting is an exhilarating motorsport that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It involves intentionally oversteering a car to slide through corners while maintaining control and speed. Drifting requires skill, precision, and a deep understanding of vehicle dynamics. If you’re interested in getting started with drifting or want to improve your skills, this article provides valuable tips and insights. From car setup to driving techniques, let’s delve into the world of drifting and discover what it takes to become a skilled drifter.

How to Drift


Drifting has captivated the hearts of automotive enthusiasts around the world. It combines elements of skill, control, and adrenaline to create a thrilling experience both for the drivers and the spectators. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced driver looking to enhance your drifting abilities, these tips will help you navigate the world of drifting with confidence.

2. Choosing the Right Car

When it comes to drifting, choosing the right car is crucial. Rear-wheel drive (RWD) vehicles are generally preferred due to their ability to break traction more easily. Popular drift car choices include the Nissan 240SX, Mazda RX-7, and Toyota Supra. However, with the right modifications and setup, front-wheel drive (FWD) and all-wheel drive (AWD) cars can also be used for drifting.

3. Preparing Your Vehicle

Before hitting the track, it’s essential to prepare your vehicle for drifting. This involves ensuring that the car is mechanically sound and in optimal condition. Check the suspension, brakes, and tires for any signs of wear or damage. Upgrading to performance-oriented components, such as coilovers and aftermarket brakes, can significantly enhance your drifting experience.

4. Learning the Fundamentals

To become a skilled drifter, mastering the fundamentals is essential. These include the clutch kick, weight transfer, and initiating a drift.

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Mastering the Clutch Kick

The clutch kick is a technique used to break traction and initiate a drift. It involves quickly disengaging the clutch while simultaneously applying throttle to provoke the rear wheels to slide. Timing and coordination are critical for executing the clutch kick effectively.

Understanding Weight Transfer

Understanding weight transfer is vital for maintaining control during a drift. As you initiate a drift, the weight of the car shifts to the outside wheels, providing the necessary grip to maintain control. Properly managing weight transfer will help you maintain balance and control throughout the dri

Initiating a Drift

Initiating a drift requires a combination of techniques, including clutch kicking, weight transfer, and steering input. By smoothly transitioning from grip to slide, you can initiate a controlled drift and maintain a consistent line through the corner.

5. Techniques for Drifting

To become proficient in drifting, mastering various techniques is crucial. Here are some essential techniques to focus on:

Throttle Control

Throttle control is key to maintaining and adjusting the slide during a drift. Applying too much throttle can lead to an uncontrollable spin, while too little can cause the slide to lose momentum. Finding the right balance and modulating the throttle inputs is vital for precise car control.


Countersteering is the act of turning the steering wheel in the opposite direction of the slide. It helps maintain control and keep the car on the desired line. Quick and precise countersteering adjustments allow the driver to control the angle and direction of the drift.

Line Selection

Choosing the right line is essential for maintaining speed and control throughout a drift. The ideal line involves taking a wider entry into the corner, hitting the apex, and exiting smoothly. Proper line selection enables the driver to maintain the momentum and flow of the drift.

Braking Techniques

Braking techniques play a crucial role in drifting. Techniques such as trail braking and left-foot braking can help shift the weight of the car and initiate or maintain a drift. Understanding when and how to brake effectively can significantly improve your drifting skills.

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6. Practicing Drifting

Practice is key to becoming a proficient drifter. Here are some important aspects to consider when practicing:

Finding a Suitable Location

Look for a suitable location to practice drifting, such as a racetrack or an open parking lot with ample space. Ensure that the area is free from pedestrians and other vehicles to prioritize safety.

Safety Measures

Always prioritize safety when practicing drifting. Wear proper safety gear, including a helmet and fire-resistant clothing. Additionally, consider installing a roll cage and upgrading the car’s safety features.

Progression and Consistency

Start with basic techniques and gradually progress to more advanced maneuvers. Consistency is key, so focus on mastering the fundamentals before attempting complex drifts. Regular practice sessions will help refine your skills and build muscle memory.

7. Maintaining Your Drift Car

Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial to ensure the longevity and performance of your drift car. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Regularly inspect the vehicle for any signs of wear, damage, or fluid leaks. Keep up with routine maintenance, including oil changes, filter replacements, and fluid top-ups. It’s essential to address any mechanical issues promptly to avoid compromising safety or performance.

Upgrades and Modifications

Consider upgrading your drift car with performance-oriented modifications. Upgrades such as a limited-slip differential, adjustable suspension, and high-performance tires can enhance the car’s drifting capabilities. However, ensure that any modifications comply with the regulations of your local drifting events.

8. Building a Drifting Community

Building connections within the drifting community can enhance your experience as a drifter. Here are a couple of ways to get involved:

Attending Events and Competitions

Attending drifting events and competitions allows you to immerse yourself in the culture and learn from experienced drifters. It’s an excellent opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and expand your network.

Connecting with Fellow Enthusiasts

Join online forums, social media groups, and local drifting clubs to connect with fellow drifting enthusiasts. Engage in discussions, share your experiences, and seek advice from more experienced drifters. Building a network of fellow enthusiasts can provide valuable support and opportunities for growth.

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9. Staying Safe while Drifting

Safety should always be a top priority while engaging in drifting activities. Here are some essential safety considerations:

Wearing Proper Safety Gear

Always wear proper safety gear, including a certified helmet, fire-resistant clothing, and gloves. These items provide essential protection in the event of an accident or loss of control.

Understanding Track Conditions

Before each drift session, familiarize yourself with the track conditions. Pay attention to any changes in weather, surface conditions, or potential hazards. Adjust your driving style accordingly to maintain control and ensure your safety.

Respecting Local Laws and Regulations

Drifting should be done within the confines of legal and designated areas. Respect local laws and regulations regarding drifting to avoid legal consequences and maintain a positive image for the drifting community.

10. Conclusion

Drifting is a thrilling and challenging motorsport that requires skill, practice, and dedication. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can enhance your drifting abilities and enjoy the adrenaline rush that comes with sliding through corners in style. Remember to prioritize safety, build a supportive community, and continue honing your skills to become a proficient drifter.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Q: Is drifting illegal?
    • Drifting on public roads is illegal in most jurisdictions. However, many racetracks and motorsport events offer designated areas for legal drifting.
  2. Q: Can any car be used for drifting?
    • While rear-wheel drive (RWD) vehicles are generally preferred for drifting, front-wheel drive (FWD) and all-wheel drive (AWD) cars can also be used with the right modifications and setup.
  3. Q: How long does it take to become a skilled drifter?
    • The time it takes to become a skilled drifter varies depending on individual aptitude, practice frequency, and dedication. Consistent practice and continuous improvement are key to mastering the art of drifting.
  4. Q: Are there professional drifting competitions?
    • Yes, professional drifting competitions are held worldwide, showcasing the skills of top drifters and providing a platform for competitive drifting.
  5. Q: Can drifting cause damage to the car?
    • Drifting puts additional stress on various components of the car, such as tires, suspension, and drivetrain. Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial to identify and address any potential issues to ensure the longevity and performance of the vehicle.