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Alex Miller

alex miller

Hello, I’m Gerrit, and I’ve been a devoted go-kart racer for two decades. Not only do I enjoy the thrill of competition, but I also strive to cultivate the growth of local karting communities. My passion for the sport led me to create GoKartGuide, a platform where I offer informative articles, guides, and reviews about the exciting world of go-kart racing. When I’m not typing away, you can find me out on the track, tinkering with my karts, or engaging in lively discussions about all things go-karts. I’m always eager to share my experiences and knowledge with others, and I thank you for visiting my page. I hope you have a fantastic time reading my content!

Jim Wilson


Jim has been an administrator and writer at Gokart for over three years. He is a hard worker who always looks for new ways to improve the workplace. Jim’s skills as an innovator and developer have helped him create innovative solutions to common problems at Gokart. His passion for racing and writing has led him to write award-winning articles about drifting and go-kart racing.